Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Matthew Chapter 4 - ACC NT Study

It is comforting to know that I am not alone when it comes to temptation. Even Jesus Himself faced three different forms of temptation directly from the devil. He demonstrated how to handle tempting situations by quoting scripture to avoid it. I believe that is an example for us when we face situations we need to avoid. Memorized scripture and a brief prayer can be our escape from tempting situations. I am convinced speaking a memorized scripture passage out loud is always more powerful that we realize.

It is interesting that after avoiding temptation, Jesus goes on to preach, call his disciples and heal the sick. Perhaps when we avoid temptation, we may realize God has great plans for us to help others, just around the corner. What a great motivator!

In a few words:
Strive to live a life that is pleasing to God, for the sake of others.

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