Saturday, January 31, 2009

Matthew Chapter 17 - ACC NT Study

The transfiguration is a well-known biblical passage, which is an answer to the question of the day when the original disciples were following Christ. That question being…Who is Jesus? The answer being, Jesus is the true Son of God, which is demonstrated in this passage. His transfiguration makes this clear to believers.

However, as always the Bible speaks to us on many levels. I believe also demonstrated in this passage is that Peter, James and John were also being be developed by Christ. While we may look back on this scripture passage as a glorious event, it may not have seemed as such to the disciples who were experiencing it. At the time, I’m sure it could be described as a trial, struggle or challenge.

Perhaps the disciples were being developed by Christ.
The following questions come to mind...
What about us?
Do we understand our trials?
Are we struggling in some way?
Do we feel we are always dealing with challenges?
Perhaps we are being developed by Christ.

Matthew 17:1 can be characterized as Chosen by Jesus.
(Verse 1)
After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.

The first step of being developed… Peter, James John were chosen by Jesus.
When Jesus decided to take only three disciples with Him one could wonder if he chose Peter James and John Publicly among all Disciples. And if Jesus was speaking to all the disciples, maybe He could have said something like: “Peter, James and John, you come with me. The rest of you stay here.”

It make makes one wonder: What would have been the attitude of the others who were not chosen?
(Or perhaps any of us in our lives at work, school or church. When we face a situation where we felt left out, or short changed in some way.)

Did the disciples that were not chosen to go with Jesus possibly have an attitude of…
Jealousy? - (I knew Jesus loves the others more than me! I knew it!)

Hurt? - (He knew my feelings would be hurt by not choosing me!)
Relief? - (I’m glad he did not choose me! I’m tired of the work involved as His follower.)
Peace? - (I understand Lord. Please show me your will when I am ready.)

And did the disciples that were chosen to go with Jesus possibly have an attitude of…
Arrogance? - (Obviously, I am the best choice.)
Apprehension? - (I don’t know if I can serve the Lord in this way.)
Annoyance? - (I’ve been picked again? This is way more work than I expected!)
Peace? - (I understand Lord. Please show me your will. I am Ready.)

And the scripture says He led them up a high mountain…
How high was the mountain?
Did it seem unachievable?
How strenuous was the climb?
How long was the journey?
Did it seem never ending?
Perhaps the disciples grew weary in a short time. (As sometimes we grow weary in our Christian walk.)
Perhaps the three chosen disciples were ready to call it quits, regarding this journey following Jesus. (As we are sometimes tempted to just say “I quit!”)

But take note… this journey consisted of Jesus and two others. If the disciples were apt stumble and fall, each disciple had two other believers to turn to, and they had Jesus to turn to as well.
Perhaps we can see this passage as an example. That just as Peter, James and John had to other believers to turn to, it is wise for us to have two close friends who are followers of Jesus.
(Ecclesiastes 4:12)
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Perhaps we can also see this passage as an example that not only did they have two other believers to turn to, they had Jesus to turn to. We should also remember to turn to Jesus.
(Philippians 4:13)
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

This journey may have been a challenge or struggle for Peter, James and John. Just as our journey following Jesus can be a struggle with hardships along the way.

Matthew 17:2, 3 can be characterized as Exposed to Jesus.
(Versus 2, 3)
There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

Being developed also meant being exposed to the real person of Jesus.
The disciples were already being taught by Jesus and had a growing relationship with Him. Now they were exposed to the person of Jesus that left no doubt He was truly the Son of God. There are no words that can convey what they experienced that day. They witnessed a most wonderful sight. Jesus was glorified before their eyes. His body took on a different appearance. The transfiguration is evidence as well symbolism that Jesus is the truth and the light in a dark world. Moses and Elijah being present at Jesus’ Transfiguration represent the Law and the Prophets, both of which pointed to Jesus.

Peter James and John’s relationship with our Savior was brought to new level, beyond their expectations. And I believe we are exposed to the true person of Jesus, which brings us to a closer relationship with Him.

We have examples in our lives of what can be explained as Exposure to Jesus:
Faith of dying believer -
(Don’t worry about this disease, This is my ticket home. I know where I am going!)
Answered Prayer -
(Perhaps a loved one has been taken away from alcohol, drug or some other addiction.)
A new believer in Christ -
(Maybe someone who we never thought they would even consider becoming a Christian, and we are learning much from them.)

Just before this exposure to Jesus perhaps the disciples:
Were feeling insignificant…
Felt their efforts were feeble…
Believed they did not make a difference…
Perhaps we feel the same…and it would be wise to pray…that we would be exposed to the real person of Jesus…
Matthew 17:4, 5 can be characterized as Changed Through Jesus.
(Matthew 17:4, 5)
Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"

There is a part of the disciples that was changed forever by this experience
Changed by God …Through Jesus

Peter demonstrates willingness… (Three shelters - Whether his willingness is misplaced is a lesson in itself)
Then there was the heavenly voice speaking the same words that were heard at Jesus' baptism (Matt. 3:17).
It is important to note that the heavenly voice sounded while Peter was suggesting the building of three shelters for Jesus and the other two figures. It seems that Peter may have thought the kingdom could be established right then and there. Just a few days earlier he had heard Jesus say that some of them would live to see it (Matt.16:28), and my guess is he thought this was it!
Peter James and John had a new understanding of who Jesus was as the Son of God, and there were changed by this event.
God speaks to our hearts when we are listening. And when we are listening: God changes us:
In Prayer…
During a sermon…
Bible Class…
When we are listening, we are changed by God through His Son…

Matthew 17:6-8 can be characterized as Confidence from Jesus.
(Verses 6-8)
When the disciples heard this; they fell face down to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. "Get up," he said. "Don't be afraid." When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

The disciples were terrified by event. (And who would not be.) They had witnessed the power of Almighty God. But perhaps also they were terrified by the fact God would know their “real selves” (By being in His presence)
Sometimes we may be terrified to be in God’s Presence, and we doubt we could be saved through His grace.

And often just we feel the lowest we are:
Touched by Jesus and reassured by His voice.
We receive confidence from Him.
And if we are listening, we may here Him say “Get up, don’t be afraid”
Often in the form of:
Hug – (Someone who knows our situation.)
Look of understanding – (From those who know we are trying hard.)
Thanks for our service to the Lord - (Just when we feel we have failed Him)
We receive confidence from Jesus and are reminded… We are not alone

Verses 9-13 can be characterized as Walking with Jesus.
(Verses 9-13)
As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, "Don't tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead. The disciples asked him, "Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?" Jesus replied, "To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands." Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.

In response to the disciples' question about the expected return of Elijah, Jesus interprets the mission of John the Baptist as the fulfillment of that expectation. But those who opposed and finally killed him did not suspect that, and Jesus predicts a similar fate for himself.

We see Peter James and John walking with Jesus:
We see that Jesus speaks to the disciples privately - (Don’t tell any one what you have seen)
The disciples ask questions - (About Elijah’s Return)
Jesus explains things they don’t understand - (John the Baptist)
The disciples understand on a new level - (As a result of Walking with Jesus)

Does Jesus speak to us? - (Through Minister, Bible Teacher or Christian Friend)
Do we ask Him Questions? - (Prayer, Study of God’s word)
Do we look for his explanation of spiritual things we do not understand? - (Searching scripture for clearer understanding)
Do we understand on a new level? - (And grow closer to God through His Son)

I believe the answer to these questions is a resounding “Yes” when we are truly walking with Jesus

When we look at each step of the Transfiguration experience, as the disciples being developed by Christ, I am sure we can look at our own lives and ask ourselves “Am I being developed by Christ?”

And I need to consider if I have made myself available:
To be Chosen by Jesus
To be exposed to Jesus
To Changed by God through Jesus
To Receive Confidence from Jesus
To Walk with Jesus

When we do make ourselves available, we can be sure each step will have its share of Trials, struggles and Challenges. It is wise to meditate on how our current struggles and trials may be an indicator that we are in the process of being “Developed by Christ”.

In a few words:
Make ourselves available to be developed by Christ.

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