Friday, January 30, 2009

Matthew Chapter 16 - ACC NT Study

Demanding a Sign
I am not proud of it but I must admit in some ways I have been just like the Pharisees. There have been times that I have somewhat demanded a sign from God. "Show me God what I should do." or "If this is your will make it very clear." Now don't misunderstand, I believe it is very important to pray and ask for guidance or help. However sometimes I have been impatient in my requests for guidance, and I now realize there I times when I really was demanding a sign from Him. I am grateful for God's forgivness just for the asking. (Thanks God!)

Jesus points out that a little yeast goes a long way. I suppose His warning to the disciples is also a warning for us today. Just a little false teaching can have a large impact. We would be wise to be on guard for falsehoods being taught. Whether they are biblical/spiritual falsehoods, or falsehoods of today's current events.

Confession of Christ?
For many, there is a time in their life when is if it were Jesus himself asking them:
"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" (Verse 15)
For those who hear the question it is a "moment of truth" time. A time when they make the decision whether or not to answer:
..."You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." (Verse 16)
And for the followers of Christ, it is a daily answer to His question.

Painful Prediction
Like Peter we cannot understand the full extent of God's purpose or His will. When we understand their is a potentially painful situation coming to us or those we love, we may plead with God to avoid it. We don't know the "Big Picture" and without realizing it, we may even get in the way of His purpose. And also like Peter, it would be painful to hear from God that we are being a stumbling block to His will. However I believe God honors the lives of those who love Him and Peter's life is one such example.

In a few words:
Following Jesus is a "faith based" activity!

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