Monday, January 12, 2009

Matthew Chapter 3 - ACC NT Study

John the Baptist is a great example of “Purpose and Passion” as he preaches repentance. Evidently his preaching was filled with the Holy Spirit as the Bible says:
“Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordon River”

People were coming for repentance. They were coming to a man that wore camel hair, a man who ate locusts and wild honey. (Most likely not the picture of an esteemed religious teacher speaking in the synagogues.) He was a common man from the desert. An example of God working through someone who chose to be available and obedient to His will.
He must have made a big splash that day (pardon the baptism pun) as other groups seemed to be drawn to the area that day. John the Baptist does not mince words when he speaks to the Sadducees and the Pharisees when they arrive. My guess is he knew their hearts. They most likey were not there to seek repentance, but to investigate what John was doing to draw these crowds. (And to see if it met their approval.)
John baptizing Jesus seems backwards, however Jesus sets the example by being baptized. And John, the common man from the desert, is baptizing the Son of God.

In a few words:
Serve with Purpose and Passion.

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