Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Matthew Chapter 1 - ACC NT Study

Matthew Chapter 1:1-17
Whenever I have read Matthew Chapter 1 in the past, I must admit I immediately became bored reading the Genealogy of Jesus in the first 16 versus. (My mind quickly gets distracted when reading.) However it strikes me now that the names in this list are people who no doubt were imperfect, made mistakes, and most likely would feel unworthy to be part of Jesus' lineage. It makes me realize that though I am imperfect, and make mistakes, (and definitely not worthy) I am thankful that God may be able to use me in some way.

Matthew Chapter 1:18-25
I can't imagine the burden Mary must have felt to tell Joseph that she was expecting a child. Even though an Angel named Gabriel came to visit her (Luke Chapter 1) and explained she was with child from the Holy Spirit, she must have been worried about telling him. Would Joseph believe that she had not been with a man? Would he be enraged? Would he leave her?
I believe God placed peace on her heart to endure. Likewise, Joseph must have felt a heavy burden as well. But even so, he chose not to expose Mary to public disgrace. He then received assurance when an angel visited him in a dream. I believe God placed a peace on his heart as well. Joseph & Mary set the example of obedience and trust in highly stressful circumstances.

Thinking about this chapter I pray that I will listen to God's leading while trusting Him, and receive His peace on my heart.

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