Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Matthew Chapter 10 - ACC NT Study

If someone asked me to name the Jesus' 12 Disciples, I think I might manage three or four of the top of my head. Matthew Chapter 10 gives us a list of all 12 with additional information on a few of them:

Peter -----------(His name is actually Simon, but he is called Peter)
Andrew --------(Peter's Brother)
James ---------(Son of Zebedee)
John -----------(James' Brother)
Philip ----------(No specifics given in this chapter)
Bartholomew --(No specifics given in this chapter)
Thomas -------(No specifics given in this chapter)
Matthew ------(The tax collector)
James ---------(Son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus)
Simon ---------(The Zealot)
Thaddaeus ----(No specifics given in this chapter)
Judas ---------(The one who would betray Jesus)

I find it interesting that this Gospel is written by the tax collector. I would have expected Matthew to be an accountant "Type A" personality and include details on every disciple as he wrote this chapter. I am confident his personality and life were changed through his relationship with Jesus, and of course I believe what he recorded was God inspired.

It makes me realize we all have personality strengths and weaknesses and God can use us in spite of our dominant personality type. (Whatever type that may be.) In fact I believe Jesus assembled a far different mix of personalities in the 12 Disciples and they became known as Apostles (except Judas) who would spread the Good News of Jesus after Pentecost.

I like Jesus' example of first equipping the disciples before sending them out.

(Verse 1)
"He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."
(Verse 5)
"These twelve Jesus sent out..."

I think that whether we realize or not, as followers of Christ we are being equipped, and we are being sent out. Now I don't actually know anyone who said Jesus quipped them to drive out evil spirits and heal every disease and sickness. However I do know those who have been equipped by Christ.

They have prayed for me and my family. They have listened when I was down. They stood by me in trying times. (Even when the trying times were a result of my own actions.) They have been friends who would be completely honest with me when the truth was not what I wanted to hear. They have loved me and others. In fact they love others enough to share the Gospel as God leads.

When we are being equipped by Jesus? Perhaps it is within a:
Group Bible Study
Personal Bible Study
Quiet Time
Conversation with a Believer
Fill in the blank from personal experience_____________.

When are we being sent out by Jesus? Perhaps it is during:
Work Day
Family Outing
Children's Sporting Event
Church Service
Conversation with a Friend
Fill in the blank from personal experience______________.

Paraphrasing, Matthew Chapter 10 inspires us to:
Go out and share the love of Jesus with others without worry.
Assess each situation and trust the Holy Spirit to guide.
Be prepared to face rejection without fear.
Remember to encourage those who are doing so.

In a few words:
Share the truth in love, as Jesus shares it with us.

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