Friday, January 16, 2009

Matthew Chapter 6 – ACC NT Study

Jesus really hits home in Matthew Chapter 6 about where our heart is related to our actions:

When we give to our church, charity or help some one financially.
Do we keep it private, or take out a TV ad announcing how we are helping others?

When we pray publicly.
Are we more concerned how the prayer sounds to other people, or if God hears it, coming from a prayerful heart?

When we make a sacrifice for God.
Do we make it obvious to others that it is a hardship?

When choose our treasures.
Do we attempt to keep up with the Jones family, or please God?

When we become concerned about things we cannot control.
Do we become paralyzed with a potential outcome, or find peace in God?

We have all failed in these areas at one time or another. Reading this chapter makes one realize Jesus is attempting to help us evaluate our heart, and do things for the right reason.

In a few words:
Love and help others for God’s Glory alone.

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