Friday, January 16, 2009

Matthew Chapter 5 - ACC NT Study

The Beatitudes are sometimes known as “Beautiful Attitudes” by preachers and teachers. Sometimes I have thought of them as steps to becoming a Christian and starting to live a Christian life. When I put that thought into words it looks something like this…

The Poor in Spirit realize they need Jesus and accept Him as Lord…
And theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, the gift of salvation.
Those who accept Jesus mourn of their past failures…
And they are comforted.
The comforted are confident in God’s care, which can be described as meek…
And they see the world in a new way and in effect, inherit the earth.
Hunger and thirsting for righteousness is result of those who receive salvation, and God’s comfort and confidence…
And they are filled.
Those who are filled realize what a gift they have received and are merciful to others…
And they are shown mercy.
Those who show mercy to others, are pure in heart when they do so…
And they know God.
Those who know God (by showing mercy) become peacemakers…
And they are called children of God.
Those who are persecuted for following Christ should rejoice…
Because great is their reward in Heaven.

When I think of the Beatitudes in this way, I should ask myself where I am in my daily walk.
“Am I poor is spirit and need to reconnect with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?”
“Have I mourned for my recent failures and asked forgiveness?”
“Have I made myself available to God in order be comforted?”
“Do I hunger and thirst for righteousness?”
“Do I show mercy to others?”
“Have I been pure in heart at all?”
“Have I been a peacemaker?”
“Have I faced persecution and if I have, did I handle it well?”
Basically asking myself pertinent questions from the Beatitudes passage, and hopefully being convicted to change and improve where needed.

Jesus continues in the this chapter to challenge attitudes about being salt and light of the earth, fulfillment of the law, murder, adultery, divorce, oaths, “eye for and eye” and loving your enemies. Those who heard Jesus were definitely challenged to evaluate their ideas, thoughts and beliefs, as are readers of Matthew Chapter five.

In a few words:
Allow God’s word to challenge our attitudes, and change us where needed.

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